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Event Delivery

PhotonIQ Event Delivery Service (EDS) provides a robust solution for the timely delivery of real-time event data to your applications. This enables developers to incorporate event-driven functionalities to thier applications, ensuring real-time updates that enhance data-driven decision-making. EDS achieves this through two distinct methods:

  • WebSockets: EDS uses WebSockets as a communication protocol that enables full-duplex communication between a client (such as a web browser) and a server over a single, long-lived connection. This allows both the client and server to send and receive messages concurrently, enabling real-time, bidirectional communication.

  • Server-Sent Events: EDS uses Server-Sent Events (SSE) as a communication protocol that allows a server to send updates to the client over a single, long-lived HTTP connection. Unlike WebSockets, SSE is unidirectional, meaning the server can push data to the client, but the client cannot send data to the server through the same connection.

Key features of EDS

The PhotonIQ EDS offers comprehensive features to support real-time data delivery and customization to fit different organizational use cases.

  • Real-time event delivery: EDS provides two methods for delivering events in real-time as they occur: WebSockets and SSE. It also includes event de-duplication to minimize noise and irrelevant data in your data stream.
  • Event subscription and publishing: Users can subscribe to specific events that are relevant to them and can publish data to the event stream, enabling dynamic data exchange.
  • Advanced filtering: EDS features SQL-like filtering, giving users precise control over their event subscriptions to ensure relevance and minimize noise.
  • Metric and analytics: EDS offers comprehensive insights into health, performance, and event trends, enabling users to optimize their applications and make data-driven decisions based on analytics.
  • Scalability and security: EDS is designed to support large user bases, incorporating robust security measures such as data encryption and user authentication to ensure secure and scalable operations.

Challenges addressed by EDS

Event Delivery is designed to solve specific problems related to data management and delivery in modern applications:

  • Information overload: EDS filters out irrelevant data, delivering only the information users need.
  • Data reception latency: Real-time event delivery minimizes delays, ensuring decisions are made using the most current information.
  • Integration complexity: Event Delivery uses standard SQL-like querying for easy integration with existing systems.